Thursday, 13 December 2012

How pay as you go satellite broadband works.

A recent blog post I wrote, as well as other news on the web shows that pay as you go satellite broadband systems are live and active.

After exploring into this I realised no one has explained how the system will work once you have it all set it. So that’s exactly what I'm going to do now.


Just like with every satellite broadband package the equipment will consist on the antenna, satellite modem, mounting bracket/arm, LNB and the nuts and bolts.


We will arrange a day with you and an installation engineer that suits both parties, upon the visit to your property/site the engineer will discuss the best possible place to mount the satellite. On properties which are unsuitable or where customers do not wish to have a satellite antenna we are able to provide a King post mount which can be fixed anywhere on the properties land (please state this before the engineer comes to your site so we can provide the full equipment).

Once you are live

Once your pay as you go satellite broadband system is active you should be able to access the internet straight away as a 1GB top up is included in your initial cost.

At this stage feel free to use your satellite broadband connection however you like.

Checking your data usage

Satellite broadband unfortunately has data limits which may seem rather small at first. But your data can go a long way as long as you look after it. I’ve written a previous blog on how to check your data usage and given some tips to control how much data you use.

To check your data online use this is a direct link to your satellite modem and allows you to view your data usage breakdown.

Topping up

 When the time comes that you run out of data your browser will re-direct you to a screen that asks you to top up. Topping up is an easy process that can be done online or via the phone. Once your top up request has been processed (should not take too long) your system will start to work again.

If you want to keep on top of your system and ensure it continues to work you can always top up with larger amounts.

If you would like to know any further information regarding this service or any of our other services please get in contact with us
As always,

Thank you for taking time to read the blog, I hope to see you all soon! Remember we can continue our talks on;

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Monday, 29 October 2012

Broadband for your Hotel

Hotels in the UK are under increasing pressure to provide more to their guests whilst staying at an affordable price.  Services which used to be seen as an added extra have now become vital in hotels, and in fact pull factors when a customer is deciding on where to stay.

As with most things, the accommodation that ticks the most boxes for the customer will be the hotel that eventually gets booked into. People will firstly focus on; Location, price, climate. But after that short-list has been drawn up many will want facilities that include; Swimming pool, games room, bar and ever increasingly Wi-Fi access. When the final decision has been made it could come down to something as simple as having an adequate internet service.

Is Wi-Fi a simple fix?

Most places will tell you yes, that’s because 80% of the UK has access to fast broadband (anything that exceeds 2Mbps). What about the 20% of people who don’t have access how simple is it then? Councils can be written to, phone calls can be made, but changes to the infrastructure will take time and money.
Can hotels stand and suffer whilst their competition receives their potential bookings? Not in this economic climate.

What can be done?

Satellite broadband is one option for those who are without a reliable internet connection. It has 100% coverage of the UK with the only limitations being a line of sight has to be established to the satellite.
Satellite broadband does not have to be costly solutions either. HySpeed Broadband have developed packages specifically for Hotels, B&B’s, Guest houses and any other accommodation types that want to offer their customers a Wi-Fi solutions.

Offer your guests more with satellite broadband. Find out more about this exciting opportunity, by giving us a call on 0203 582 1366.

Thank you for reading.

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Google+:- HySpeed Broadband

Monday, 10 September 2012

Is Your House Made From Chocolate?

This may be an unusual title and probably grabbed your attention. For us this question is actually asked before taking an order from a customer.

Houses come in all shapes, sizes, and building materials and we cannot assume that just because you live in a house it is made on bricks which are able to support a heavy satellite broadband dish and bracket.
Of course the question “is your house made from chocolate?” is an exaggeration and not to be taken seriously unless your house is actually made from chocolate…and in that case where have you been all my life! But it has to be noted that houses are made differently, and with different structures comes different challenges.

Nevertheless solutions for these problems can all be overcome. If your house is a wooden structure for example, it may not be strong enough to support the dish and mount. The solution to this problem would be to use a king post as the mount. This is a stand-alone post which can be situated anywhere that has line of sight. The dish is then mounted onto the king post and cables are laid to the satellite modem from there. In any case the satellite broadband provider should provider you will all the information you need regarding installation.

Thank you for reading, as with most posts please share and comment. 

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Pay-As-You-Go satellite broadband! from Hyspeed Broadband

Satellite broadband is an ever changing market globally, with emerging markets, new technologies and increased pressure for faster speeds and lower costs put pressure on the satellite operators and the resellers.
HySpeed Broadband a partner of Avanti Communications has listened to customer’s issues and qualms regarding bills and costs in this modern age. They are also of the knowledge that due to the technology involved and market satellite broadband is a more expensive solution compared to ADSL lines (Cable & Fibre). 

Avanti have listened to their partners including HySpeed broadband and have now brought to the forefront a new way of paying for satellite broadband.

 Avanti becomes the first European satellite operator to offer Pay-As-You-Go pricing for Ka-band services. HySpeed Broadband’s director Dr Raied Nasser said;

“As a partner of Avanti Communications will now have a new option for customers who do not like being in a contract, or don’t use the internet connection enough to warrant having a monthly subscription. It is now made easier for users to be in control themselves. They have the power to use as much, or as little as they want to. No shock bills or throttling of service for going over the monthly data allowance.” [Dr Raied Nasser]
He also went on to say.

“It also opens up a market for second home owners and the tourism lettings industry with the ever increasing demand for an internet connection whilst away.”

The new pricing model from HySpeed Broadband will be made available to new customers. HySpeed Broadband has stated that if a customer wishes to then upgrade to a monthly subscription package this is easily done.

As well as this HySpeed Broadband say;

“This may not be for all consumers out there; many users will opt to stick with monthly contracts as they need a constant connection which works out in the long run less expensive. But there will be a small number of users who will want to embrace this option. Second home or holiday home owners can now not have to worry about paying for a monthly bill in their rural home, as a simple installation of HySpeed’s Pay-As-You-Go service means they will only be paying when they are using the property. “

“It is also a great service for those in the tourism industry. There have been many cases in recent years dictating that although tourism is based on getting away from the city, and the place of work. Many tourists still look for an internet connection or Wi-Fi connectivity when choosing a place to stay as it is vital for communication. A pay-as-you-go service would offer the holiday home owners and property managers a solution for offering a broadband connection in any home across the UK with satellite broadband and a pay-as-you-go system, the party who are then staying will choose whether or not they use the service provided.”

We cannot wait for this service to get off the ground and get running. It will be a great help giving users a choice. 

Thanks for reading, 

Tom Light

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Thursday, 28 June 2012

How to check your data usage online!

How do I check my how much data I’ve used.

Your monthly usage totals include both uploading and downloading from your HySpeed Broadband service. All usage is measured in Megabytes (MB).

Avanti’s online usage check displays your usage total in Gigabytes (GB), each gigabyte being roughly one thousand Megabytes

A table has been provided below showing rough guidelines for how much each usage example consumes.

Viewing a web page
0.2 MB
Uploading a picture to Facebook
0.2 MB
Downloading an email (no attachments)
0.01 MB
Downloading an MP3
5 MB
Watching a two minute YouTube clip
3.75 MB
30 Minutes of online radio
22 MB
1 Hour of BBC iPlayer
280 MB
Downloading a Movie
700 MB
*please note these figures are only a guide.

How do I check my current months usage total and AUP (acceptable usage policy)Limit?

Using your HySpeed Broadband connection you are able to view your currents monthly usage total and AUP limit online by visiting . Please be aware that the online usage total is not updated in real time, it updates once every 24 hours. Also you must be using your Avanti connection to log onto ‘mystats’

If you would like any further information on how to prevent excessive usage please contact us.

Thanks for reading, have a good day!

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Tuesday, 19 June 2012

How to check your satellite broadband speeds! - HySpeed Broadband

How to check your Broadband speeds the correct way!

There are many speed test services available on the Internet. However, less than 1% of Internet access is performed using satellite networks and as a consequence the vast majority of speed test services are tuned for terrestrial wired services such as ADSL. They will give a result but it will simply be incorrect.
For an accurate speed test, we will ask you to download from our server to eliminate all other possible causes that are outside Avanti's control.

Testing your broadband connection correctly is simple; it can be monitored at any time of the day, by going onto From here you will be able to test your current speeds. For best results we suggest that you test the service at 3 different times of day to get the most accurate result.
If you are having trouble accessing the site, please e-mail we will send off for an official speed test and ensure you system is running correctly.

If you want a faster speed please remember that upgrading your monthly package increases download speeds and data usage, to enquire about upgrading please call 0203 582 1366 or e-mail 

Kind Regards,

 HySpeed Broadband

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The Scottish Highlands could miss out on broadband developments

The Scottish highlands are known for their vast and undulating plains, with picturesque hills and placid lochs creating peace and tranquillity with all those who preside there. Although residents escape the city life, there are amenities which help to preserve a modern way of life.

The government’s intent to boost super-fast broadband to cover 98% of the UK will most likely skip these areas of Scotland leaving the Highlands in the remaining 2% of residents who will struggle to receive a broadband connection.

The problem being the residents of the highlands obviously made a decision in life. The decision to live in beautiful surroundings, with little to no access to the World, or to live in a built up inner city house, where the view outside of the mundane is only topped by the noise of police sirens and snail’s pace of the commute into work daily. But in this suburban World, you will be the 98% of people. The 2% of people are living in areas where cabled connection will cost the provider more to install than they are worth. Or the exchange point will be too far from the residential home to receive an internet connection of any worth.

There is hope for the 2% though. Take one 30m cable, one satellite dish, a satellite modem, 1 hour of our time, and hey presto, what have you got? An active internet system capable of giving the 2% something they did not have before, a FAST BROADBAND CONNECTION! Not only is this connection active, but it is capable of giving a 10Mbps download, and 2.5Mbps upload.

So as you are probably one of the 98% reading this, as I know I am. Look out for the 2% and tell them that there is another way.  Let them have the peace and tranquillity combined with the access to the World Wide Web.

Thank you for taking time to read. If you have any comments please feel free to share them. For more information on this story please see.

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Monday, 27 February 2012

Satellite Broadband- HySpeed Update!

We have not been blogging recently as we have been very busy in the office preparing for events and new products which are about to be released. But we have not totally forgotten about the blog. We want to keep you updated with things which have been happening.

Our HySpeed KA-band satellite systems have all been running well with customers enjoying the speeds which they pay for. Some customers are lucky enough to go from having a connection which was regularly less than 0.5Mbps to not a consistent 9-10Mbps.  

Satellite broadband can create a connection where previously other systems will be deemed too expensive or the other operators do not think it is a financially viable option.  We love to help those areas which are hardest hit by communications. You should not be punished for living in a rural area.

Our parent company TigrisNet is setting up their exhibition stand as we speak, at CABSAT with the event opening tomorrow. It is always an exciting time of year, as it allows us to meet with our resellers and also make new partnerships.

Our VoIP service is also is in a good position with new people from all over the world taking advantage of the great offers and the FREE sign up that VoIPtig has. If you have a bandwidth allowance or a slow internet connection then VoIPtig is the VoIP solution for you whilst giving high quality calls. [find out more]

Thank you for taking time to read this blog post again. I hope you are all very well, comments and questions can be asked on here or any of the social networks.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

is the UK ignoring satellite broadband technology?

As I’ve stated on numerous occasions the technology behind satellite broadband has vastly brought it into the future for offering a high-speed service, especially to rural homes and businesses. I’ve claimed that this is being ignored.
When it comes to rural telecoms a large proportion of the lime light is being shared between fibre, 4G and Wi-Fi developments. Which are all largely based around two questions, when will the technology be installed? And who’s going to be paying for it?
Largely at this point in time evidence shows that these technologies are behind schedule.
Ofcom said in August that 14 per cent of UK homes couldn't get access at 2Mb”. This is a quite frustrating statistic when satellite broadband is able to reach 100% of homes in the UK. Especially when you take into consideration that with the modern technology we have nowadays, satellite broadband can have speeds of 10Mbps and quite easily 2Mbps.

Of course packages are an issue for some people who say that satellite broadband is expensive, but when considered that some basic packages start at £20p/m and a good connection speed can be bought for around £30p/m you are looking at similar pricing to the fixed line services. Satellite operators, especially the ones using the Avanti systems have very low contention ratios. I may be biased towards our contention ratios are 25:1 compared to larger ones from most other technologies. This means the speeds you’re paying for you may actually get close to achieving rather than always having around half the speeds which you have paid for, as the internet company has used the magic words ‘up to’.
Europe has adopted and recognises that satellite broadband is a complimentary technology for rural areas and not-spots.
The increase in awareness needs to grow with satellite communications and this can only happen when the governments and councils accept that this technology is viable for the future for rural broadband.
Thank you for reading please if you have any comments leave them in the links provided.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Is your local Council doing enough?!

Broadband projects are ongoing throughout the whole of the UK with the government issuing more than £530m to get Britain super fast broadband. Superfast broadband is considered to be more than 24Mbps and the government hopes that this will reach over 90% of homes across the UK.

But alongside the race to superfast broadband the government also want to availability of speeds of just 2mpbs to be to 100% of the UK. Here is the dilemma which we and many others are facing. The councils are indeed trying to get super fast broadband into their own areas, neglecting the fact that some houses or communities may not have access to speeds of 2Mbps yet or even no access at all.

We have been getting calls from lots of people lately that have had promises form the councils that they would be getting a faster connection. Unfortunately they have been reaching a dead end with this assumption.

Time is running out for councils. The broadband funding is ending soon and the deadlines for proposals have to be in at the end of February.

“'Local politicians are waking up to the opportunities that broadband offers, and recognise the downsides of being left behind,' said Chris Head, author of the briefing. 'Now is the time for Socitm members to add their skills to help accelerate progress.'
However, Head warns that the BDUK funding is not enough, and that for councils to raise matched funding, as they are required to do, is a 'big ask' at a time when they are struggling to fund core services.
He also warns that the government's plans will lead to a two-speed Britain by 2015, as commercially supplied city dwellers will by then be benefiting from broadband speeds of up to 200Mbps. At the same time, 10% of the UK will still be without a wired connection.”
[for more on this article click here]
Councils need to be made aware of the 10% of people without a wired connection. As this issue needs to be addressed. Some of course do not want an internet connection (and as they will not be reading this then I can say, HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT INTERNET?!)

But of course there are people who would like to have one that is affordable and will work consistently.
Many small businesses rely on an internet access, and those in rural communities cannot benefit from the Internet for their business meaning their messages will always only reach a small audience.

Our solution is to give a satellite internet connection to these people. We would like the council to listen to us as we provide a professional, effective and affordable solution to the 10% of people without a connection.

Of course your BT line will be cheaper so if you have access to that then it is probably your best option. But will your signal be as strong? (will be discussed on the blog next week)

So if you are reading this have a look at our website. Give us an e-mail or a phone call, we can discuss all matters and benefits with you further.

Do not be fooled by other satellite internet companies either offering a fast service for cheap. Your signal could be lower than expected and you could be hit with hidden costs!

On a final note:

We will be contacting councils ourselves, but in order for them to notice us and know that our solution is right we need people to get in contact saying they want an internet connection. If BT cannot provide you one it is the council’s job to find an alternative solution which actually works.

Thank you for reading today. Share with your friends to raise awareness J

Twitter: HySpeedBB

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Friday, 20 January 2012

A word from VoIPtig

The traditional phone line is becoming a thing of the past within the business environment. This is mainly due to the growing number firms who are switching to voice over internet protocol (or as we all like to shorten it to, VoIP)

Why is this the case?

International phone calls are a pricey affair, businesses who deal with customers or other businesses abroad found themselves racking up large phone bills due to this. What if you have offices in other countries? You are being charged a large sum of money to contact another employee. You could use e-mail but when a decision needs to be made or a deal to be done the more informative way would be through the phone (Unless you can take business trips, you lucky people!).

A survey conducted revelled that 75% of all international communications are being hosted by VoIP solutions rather than the traditional phone line. Albeit Skype is of course a large quantity of these.
What is the future for VoIP?

Like a lot of technology these days VoIP will continue to rise in popularity and be generally accepted into the work place as the main communication source. I see VoIP ever increasing in demand and in the future there may be many VoIP operators which allow VoIP calls to me made between networks as such for FREE.
The price of the technology is going to fall, with ever emerging markets bringing lower costs and high demand to the service.

The use for a video call system will ever be prominent in business and at home with video conferencing on the rise (a formal way to do business without the flying), many businesses may switch in order to increase productivity and lower costs.

With 4G networks set to grow and internet connectivity in every ‘starbucks’ & ‘McDonalds’ I see that VoIP may even take over from mobile phone calls, meaning packages would rely on a data plan rather than calling minutes.

Anything is possible with VoIP technology and it will continue to grow. So remember the name and sign up to VoIPtig for free today J

Twitter: HySpeedBB
StumbleUpon: HySpeedBroadband

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

What do we mean by 'EVERYWHERE'?

I’ve been trying my hardest to reach out to people who are suffering for slow internet connections on forums such as Think Broadband. Advising people about satellite internet and answering some simple questions for them.

After a recent post I made, I had feedback from an anonymous source stating that Satellite internet cannot be everywhere that is impossible?

His argument came down to the fact that planning permission and tree cover/line of sight could not make satellite internet possible everywhere.

So here is a calcification of what we mean by everywhere.

It is known the basics needed for our satellite internet are a power supply, even been asked this week if a solar panel would be able to power our satellite. There answer after a little bit of research is the actual dish only uses 1Watt. The computer you would be running uses more dependent on what surfing you are doing (just incase you were thinking of switching to a greener future).
You will also need a place to put this dish, preferably on land which you own/rent. The ideal situation would be living in the middle of a flat field. As this would provide the line of sight needed (in our case 33 degrees West). The satellite would be placed much like your TV satellite provider on the side of the house and will be in perfect order in no time.

But not all situations can be like this which is the point where the term ‘everywhere’ got into a dispute. If you live in a forest of 30ft tall trees surrounding your house, you may not be able to receive a signal. But with the necessary equipment, I.e. extra cabling then you are bound to find somewhere for the satellite to go to receive signal (the cabling can reach over 30m if needed) .

Line of sight is also very important. As pointed out before we need to see the sky as the satellite points 33 degrees west. If you however live in the deepest valley of West Wales. Where sunlight hits for only 2 hours a day, then firstly congratulations for putting up with that. Secondly there will always be solutions. We are not restricted by cable length; we can go where no other Broadband technology can reach. Mobile 4G networks are being praised as the future for rural broadband. But in places where they cannot receive signals for making phone calls, I highly doubt they will receive a 4G connection, 3G at the most which is considered slow on the internet.

So the term ‘everywhere’ may seem exaggerated but with the necessary planning, and with our highly qualified team at HySpeed broadband we can provide a service pretty much everywhere across the UK.  

Also if you do live in a Welsh Valley please do get in contact. We are working with the Welsh government broadband scheme this means you could be entitled to getting all installation and equipment paid for! That’s £500 you will be saving, this grant is running out quickly so get in contact asap.

Thank you for taking time to read though this, your comments are always welcome/ desired/ I feel lonely without them.  Have a great day.

Twitter: HySpeedBB
StumbleUpon: HySpeedBroadband

Thursday, 5 January 2012

2012 The Year of Satellite Internet?

Hello all,

The holiday season is over and no snow settled in my part of the World. 2012 is not firmly upon us and twitter seems to be counting down every day of the 366 days this year. But what can we expect from satellite internet in 2012?

An ever changing, competitive market, satellite internet can be little known about to those city folk, smug with their 20Mbps download speeds. But 1.6million UK residents cannot receive a broadband signal. Their choices could be either a mobile connection, using the 3G or the ever so hesitant to emerge 4G, or a satellite system.

Many sceptics of satellite internet on first hearing will say it’s overpriced. But these people must not have been following the progress of the satellite broadband systems. When it was a fairly new technology, admittedly it was a pricey piece of kit. Subject to the big businesses and the rich who could not possibly deal with dial-up any more. Lately prices have dropped; new technology has come to the forefront with smaller satellite dishes which give more power bridging the gap between rural broadband connections.

In 2012 we will see the launch of Avanti’s Hylas 2 satellite; this will bring the newest satellite technology to the Middle East and Africa bringing up to 10Mbps of speed to businesses and homes. We are the largest reseller of this in Iraq, so get in contact for more information.

2012 for HySpeed Broadband, this year will consist of continuing our hard work and dedication to get Rural England up to speed and help out small rural businesses thrive and grow through using the internet we provide.

We have plans to do a tour in 2012 around the hardest hit areas of the UK. For your time we would of course provide light refreshments. 

We are focussed on helping out customers, existing as well as new, so for our best deals ring us directly. We believe in advising works the best, so all our solutions can be customised for specific needs.
HySpeed broadband hopes that 2012 can be a good year for all. We wish everyone all the best and hope to speak to a few of you soon.

Thank you for reading this blog post keep checking back for new posts throughout the weeks of 2012.

Twitter: HySpeedBB

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